Pushed Out Of My Comfort Zone and Wonderful Treats

We are back from Disneyland Paris and had a wonderful time! I promise there will be many pictures in the future. For starters, I have attached below a picture of Main Street!


On Facebook last week, I joined the group ‘NikeTown London Running Group.’ I looked at their many events and decided to join either their Tuesday or Thursday evening run. They offer three distances – 3, 4 or 7 miles.

This is not in my ‘comfort zone’ at all to run with others. I always shy away from it and will look for any excuse. The anxiety is so much just even sitting here thinking about it! But, I pushed through this and joined the Running Group at NikeTown in Oxford Circus.


They advertise for all levels, but I was in the slowest group (translation – one of the last three runners) of the 4-mile run. Let me tell you – the time was not even what I would consider slow AT ALL. The speed if kept up for an entire marathon would guarantee a sub-4 hour marathon!

I woke up and felt great this morning. I’m not sure that I will go every Tuesday and Thursday, but will definitely try for once a week. It was okay to be pushed out of my comfort zone and I survived to tell about it!

On to my favorite discussion point… Food!

I was so excited to see this McDonalds sign yesterday in the Bond Street Station!


I was in London 6 years ago for work and had my first After Eight McFlurry and it was so good. The funny part is that I was on an expense report trip and spent probably £7 a day – that’s the price of an After Eight McFlurry for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yes, that is pretty much all that I ate the entire trip. I’m so looking forward to my first one this winter!!!!

If you like After Eight Mints, I guarantee you will love this… After Eight Mints, ice cream and chocolate syrup!

Although, my first After Eight McFlurry will probably be next week as I’m off to Vienna, Austria, for a girl’s weekend to eat, shop and see the Christmas Markets!

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I’d like to tell all of the men out there Happy National Men’s Day. Many people are growing a mustache for Movember in support of Prostate Cancer. At work today, they had a party in our atrium from 4-5pm for National Men’s Day (women were invited). They served cupcakes, wine (red and white), champagne (Veuve Clicquot), water, orange juice and soft drinks. People mostly had champagne – 8 bottles worth to be exact!

Here is a picture of the cupcakes with little mustaches on the top! They were so yummy!


Do you push yourself out of your comfort zone? While not always easy, I did learn a lot and realized it wasn’t bad at all!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

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3 Responses to Pushed Out Of My Comfort Zone and Wonderful Treats

  1. Jennifer Tippett says:

    You will love running with a group. They help you to push yourself. I know your competitive nature will emerge!

  2. Jim says:

    I’ve been pushing my limit now for two days, working on the line for Operation Christmas Child processing the shoe boxes filled with stuff for the kids. Yesterday we, along with a thousand others, processed 138,000 plus boxes. My job was taping them shut. Mom was an inspector and a pre-inspector. Some of her duties were inspecting the contents for no-no things, making sure each box had a little candy, and taking out any money (for handling, etc) and putting it in a box.

    Plus I did more walking and standing than my usual although I did have a stool to sit on for the work. Most stood all day.

    I’ll blog about it when we get home. Enjoy Vienna, it is a fun place to visit.

  3. I’m actually planning on meeting up with the Nike group by me, starting next week! I’m nervous they will be a little fast for me, but company would be nice (and I ❤ new running buddies, too!)

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